汕头猎头公司职位-- Account Manager CCHBC
   2020-10-15 16:38:39    文字:【】【】【
职位名称:Account Manager CCHBC

\\\" Implement CCHBC sales plan & planning agreement, in order to guarantee that annual sales objectives are achieved. \\\" Develop detailed knowledge of the structure, culture and particularities affecting the management of CCHBC and keep up to date with its activities, so as to support business development. \\\" Manage the current CCHBC contract by providing and offering the necessary support and service. \\\" Investigate new opportunities for sales development in the area of customer operations, in order to expand current business relationships with CCHBC. \\\" Negotiate and implement the annual budget plan and planning agreement, in terms of sales turnover, profitability and other KPIs, so as to contribute the agreed profits to the Sales Office budget. \\\" Review CCHBC results on a monthly basis, explain the reasons for any deviations and take corrective actions, in order to be aligned with the agreed budget and planning agreement. \\\" Promote the company values on a day to day basis, in order to apply and develop the requested skills and competencies. \\\" Promote team spirit in day to day business so as to maintain high development and productivity.
\\\" EDUCATIONAL/PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - University degree preferably in Marketing or Sales - Master\\\'s degree desirable - English language (Proficiency level) \\\" WORK EXPERIENCE (Specify length and type/areas) - 3 - 5 years in related positions in the commercial area (preferably in B2B company) - At least 2 years managing key accounts - Experience in logistics preferable \\\" BEHAVIOURAL ATTRIBUTES - Excellent communication skills - Analytical & numerical skills - Team working - Innovative - Organizing abilities - Results oriented - Committed & hard working


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